South Congregational Church
Monthly Mission
September 2024
The Faith in Action Ministry has chosen the United Church of Christ (UCC) Strengthen the Church (STC) for the September Moment for Mission. The STC offering reflects t the commitment of all settings of the UCC to cooperatively build up the UCC and support the church’s wider mission. Funds raised support the work of conferences, expansion of ministries, leadership development, youth ministry and new churches. It supports innovation, growth and renewal in existing congregations as we work to become a multi-cultural/multi-racial accessible to all Christian movement. The NH Conference UCC retains 50% of the Strengthen the Church offerings received. Given our increase passion for developing and nurturing youth and youth programs in the New Hampshire Conference, from 2022-2025, STC Grants (were) will be given to support youth activities that contain a component of racial justice, advocacy, activism or awareness raising. STC Grants may be given to groups within the NH Conference, its associations or its local churches.
This information is from the New Hampshire Conference United Church of Christ website and from the United Church of Christ website ( Thank you for your support!